I have written about not depending solely on social media platforms for your business. That is not to say that you should not jump into the bandwagon. I was merely pointing out that it is not wise to simply rely on one venue. Experts still see social media as one big way to reach the countless masses and I agree with that. So here are some tips that you should bear in mind when working with the various social media platforms for your business.
Decide on which platforms you want to be seen at.
There are countless platforms which you can use. You have Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Plurk, and so on. The idea is to focus on a few and channel your energy into those platforms. While it may make sense to use as many as you can, you might find yourself spread out too thinly if you have too many social platforms to manage.
Be active.
This is actually the main reason for narrowing down your social networking “homes.” You have to be quite active in whatever social platform you decide to be part of. Otherwise, you might as well be defeating the purpose of social networking platforms. If you do not update, you do not reply to messages, and the like, you’re as good as dead.
Remember to make giving value your top priority.
PR and marketing campaigns are all over the place. Customers are looking for more than selling points. They are looking for something that they will actually find useful. Bear this in mind and create content that will be found valuable. It may be as simple as a blog post or a short note but as long as customers will find it valuable, you are doing yourself a favor.