Sometimes you need something besides Akismet. I have Defensio on a few sites. But I’m testing the new version of WP Spam Hit Man. So far I’m extremely happy.
So what does it do?
Sometimes you get some comments which from very beginning you know they are spam. It is because spam bots used certain words inside them and in many cases – a lot of those words. You can’t ban then entirely because some of real people still use those words – maybe not in that amount – but still. Here where WP Spam Hitman comes in. It allows you to write as many words or regular expressions you want and set a number from which you are pretty sure that some comment is a spam.
Then it checks every comment/trackback/pingback and count how many hit point that comment gets (so for instance – how many usually-spam words it contains). If a comment gets enough of those hits – certain action will be performed.
You can simply delete the message and never think about it again. You can also mark it as spam or throw it into moderation.